Saturday, December 26, 2009

I saw 3 kangaroos on Christmas Day

The kids and Steve O took about 1000 pictures with the string of christmas lights and flashlights, I love the abstract eye candy aspect of all of them, but for the sake of internet connect time, I'll just share this festive shot.
Santa found us in a land down under, down a dirt road, in a national park without electricity, surrounded by kangaroos...

The view down the beach on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and don't forget Boxing Day (Dec. 26) , Split Rock at Diamond Head.

At first we were a little wary of the kangaroos lounging in the shade all around the campground. Can you pet them? Cuddle them? Feed them? (the correct answers are- yes, no,no) We watched others petting them, talked to some neighbors- one little girl told us, "Ah yeah, you can pet them. Just stay away from the males, they'll lean back on their tales and kick you in the chest." Ohh, good to know.

Some careful sneaking (in a pack as you can see here) might get you a pet (softer than you might think)- while the kangaroo is busy eating grass. It is just so strange to watch them move, bounce, scratch themselves. I could watch them for hours. We finally saw a couple with joeys in their pouches. All we saw of one joey was his tail, big back feet and ears sticking out. I think he was getting a bit too big to be carried around.

Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day!
To see more pictures look here.

1 comment:

Donelle Anderson said...

So cool! I'm enjoying keeping up with your trip, it makes me want to go there so much more!!


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